Color Grading in Blender: Post-Process
Color grading techniques for cinematic post-processing in Blender.
Color grading techniques for cinematic post-processing in Blender.
Implementing PBR techniques for lifelike materials in Blender.
The vast majority of projects we create in Blender will eventually be rendered or exported for use in different applications. These applications range from game engines like unity to MP4 files for videos and animations. When it comes to our rendered animations, we need to define where that animation will be stored after the rendering … Read more
Most projects in Blender will often finish with a rendered image or animation if the models created are not going to be used elsewhere, such as in a video game or for 3D printing. Sometimes these renders can appear low in quality, grainy, or pixelated. So how can we maximize the quality of our final … Read more
Because there are so many object types to use in Blender, there are also ways in which we can convert objects to different types, depending on the properties of the current object. While there is no direct way to convert an image to a curve, there is a solution. To convert an image into a … Read more
Blender offers the ability to create objects of various types, ranging from your typical mesh object to curves, text, etc. Since Blender has so many object types, it also offers the ability to convert some of these objects to other forms. To convert an image to a grease pencil object, select the image and then … Read more