Non-Destructive Workflow in Blender
Embracing a non-destructive workflow for flexible modeling in Blender.
Embracing a non-destructive workflow for flexible modeling in Blender.
Master Blender’s visibility options to manage complex scenes. Learn how to selectively hide, show, and organize your 3D models.
When working in object mode, we have far more variety than simply manipulating the transforms of our selected objects. For example, we can duplicate the objects or reposition them using tools like snapping and proportional editing. One of the more hidden tools is the ability to parent objects to each other in what is known … Read more
Not all objects we create in Blender will always be for our final renders. Sometimes we can create different test renders of our scenes with different objects. Therefore, to streamline such a process, we need the ability to be able to hide objects from our renders so that we don’t have to move or delete … Read more
When working with multiple objects in a scene, these objects can get in the way of each other when you are trying to edit your models. It can be handy to have a tool that allows you to hide all of the other objects in your scene and focus purely on your selection. We can … Read more